Monday, January 4, 2010


A visit to Auntie Theresa's by Anemone, Tabby and Misty. Joop and I spent a couple of days on the ski slopes (actually, I pretty much stayed on the one available "easy" slope).

Great suppers

Ramoli-poker for everyone. I believe everyone ended up winning money. How can that be?

Theresa, I don't know how she did everything - multiple crafts with the girls, games, multi-course meals, and work at the clinic...

Misty and Anemone with their Maplea dolls

Monopoly - Kyran, Anemone and Tabby

Theresa making the most delicious home-made fries and burgers ever.

1 comment:

Melissa Hart said...

What a great time you guys had! Auntie T is amazing!